ylzzcom永利总站目前共设四系七所共11个教学与科研机构。2014年获批成为首家也是全国唯一经济与管理领域的国家级协同创新中心——中国特色社会主义经济建设协同创新中心。此外,学院拥有政治经济学研究中心、跨国公司研究中心、APEC研究中心(中国APEC研究院)三个教育部人社会科学重点研究基地。ylzzcom永利总站现有教职员工195人。其中教授(研究员)57人,副教授65人,讲师32人等。学院近五年来在Journal of International Economics、Journal of Urban Economics、Journal of International Business Studies等英文SSCI期刊上发表论文40余篇;在《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《经济学季刊》、《世界经济》等CSSCI权威期刊上发表论文近100篇;出版专著120余部;为政府和相关机构提供的重要咨询报告43份。近五年获国家和省部级课题立项80余项。
我们将通过“中国经济全球年会(中国北京)”和 “美国经济学年会(美国AEA)” 对部分应聘者开展面试。
Cover Letter;
Curriculum Vitae (with personal photo);
Job Market Papers;
Teaching Evaluations;
Transcripts (or supported documentation);
Reference letters (at least two different referees)。
电话:+86 (0)22 23508981;
Nankai University, School of Economics;
JOE ID Number: 2019-02_111463247;
Date Posted: 09/17/2019;
JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists, Aug 01 2019-Jan 31 2020)
Nankai University, School of Economics;
JOE ID Number: 2019-02_111463247;
Date Posted: 09/17/2019;
Job Openings for Economists
Nankai University
School of Economics
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor
Position Title/Short Description:
Title: Assistant/Associate/Full Professor
Section: International: Full-Time Academic (Permanent, Tenure Track or Tenured)
Location: Tianjin, Tianjin, CHINA
JEL Classification: 00 -- Default: Any Field
Full Text of JOE Listing:
School of Economics, Nankai University, invites application for tenure track appointments, starting from September 2020.
Candidates at assistant professor level should have a Ph.D. degree in economics or related fields (expected by the end of 2020), have strong potential to conduct research at the forefront of economics research. Candidates at the rank of associate or full professor must have demonstrated an outstanding record in research and teaching. Candidates are expected to demonstrate teaching and research program to interview committee.
We offer competitive salaries, benefits and research support. Our representatives will be interviewing in both December 2019 Introduction China International Conference in Economics at Beijing, China and January 2020 ASSA meetings at San Diego, US. Every potential candidate can choose either meeting to attend the interview.
E-mail for Applications: ecojobs@nankai.edu.cn and phone: +86 22 23508981. Our recruitment secretary is Mr. Hao Lan. The deadline of submitting the application is on the 5th December, 2019. Please note that all further message will be noticed by emails.
Application deadline: December 05 2019 (12/05/2019)
Application Requirements & Instructions:
E-mail for Applications: ecojobs@nankai.edu.cn
The deadline of submitting the application is on the 5th December 2019. Please make sure the email address in your application is absolutely correct, and all further message will be noticed by emails.
Application Requirements:
Cover Letter
Curriculum Vitae (Resume, with personal photo)
Job Market Paper (Primary)
Additional working papers (not compulsory)
Teaching Evaluations (and related documents)
Transcripts (or supported documentation)
Reference letters (at least two different referees)
Full information at AEA website for JOE Listings
Nankai University, School of Economics;
JOE ID Number: 2019-02_111463247;
Date Posted: 09/17/2019;