为落实“南开卓越公能人才培养体系 3.0”,着力打造“三维融通、五育并举”的贯通式人才培养模式,推进本科及研究生教育教学改革和人才培养的国际化,ylzzcom永利总站整合海内外优质资源,搭建课程平台,将于2024年7月开展国际前沿小学期(International Academic Term)。
学院将邀请德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学管理学院Markus Taube教授、日本神户大学赵来勋教授、伦敦国王学院龚云丹副教授为本科生开设全英文授课的专业前沿课程。小学期课程面向全校本、硕、博学生开设。选课时间安排在本学期,选课通知已在教务部网站发布。
Course 1
课程名称:Game Theory: Cooperative Perspective(博弈论:合作观点)
课程主讲人:Markus Taube
Game theory is a mathematical theory that studies strategic interactions between decision-makers with conflicting and cooperative characteristics. The course Game Theory: Cooperative Perspectives aims to delve into the cooperative mechanisms in game theory, analyze and understand how individuals or groups achieve common interests through cooperation in different contexts. This course is aimed at all students in the school, aiming to cultivate their interest in game theory and cooperative mechanisms, explore the mysteries of cooperation together, and provide new perspectives and tools for solving complex real-world problems.
Markus Taube教授,就职于德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学管理学院,东亚高等研究院中国方向讲席教授、轮值院长,中德鲁尔大区孔子学院的外方联合院长,教育部哲学社会科学实验室—ylzzcom永利总站经济行为与政策分析实验室外方主任。Taube教授在特里尔大学和武汉大学开始了他的学术生涯,主攻汉学与经济学研究,并在波鸿鲁尔大学取得了博士学位。他的博士学位论文于1998年获得了瓦尔特-欧肯奖。在任职杜伊斯堡埃森大学之前,他还曾供职于慕尼黑ifo经济研究所,曾在ylzzcom永利总站任客座教授,并在欧洲和中国多所大学任客座教授。
Course 2
课程名称:Frontiers of International Trade and Economic Policy(国际贸易与经济政策前沿)
The current world is undergoing unprecedented changes in a century. With the trend of anti-globalization and frequent local conflicts, it has become an important task for countries and enterprises to deeply understand, effectively prevent, and resolve various risks involved in participating in the global division of labor. Based on international economic theories and policies, this course aims to delve into the new situation of the international economy, including the evolution of globalization trends, concepts and phenomena such as WTO, GVC, decoupling. This course provides students with better theoretical and practical guidance for understanding the edge of the international economy and analyzing new international economic phenomena using international economic theories. This will help students from different backgrounds comprehensively and systematically understand the rationale behind the economic facts and build a global perspective. The main teaching contents of this course are divided into the following five parts:
1. Classical theories of international economics: Ricardian model, HOS model, specific factor model, tariff policy, market structure and trade policy, geopolitical economy, etc.;
2. Theory of foreign direct investment and multinational corporations: FDI, multinational corporations, global value chains (GVC), regional economic integration, etc.;
3. International trade and environment; trade, labor, and wages;
4. Heterogeneous firm trade models: Krugman-Melitz model, EK model;
5. Analysis of new issues in international trade: including the trend of anti-globalization, decoupling, nearshoring and localization of supply chains, etc.
1. 国际经济经典理论:李嘉图模型、HOS模型、特定要素模型、关税政策、市场结构和贸易政策、地缘政治经济等;
2. 外商直接投资与跨国公司理论:FDI、跨国企业、全球价值链(GVC)、区域经济一体化等;
3. 国际贸易与环境,贸易、劳动力与工资;
4. 异质性企业贸易模型:Krugman-Melitz模型、EK模型;
5. 国际贸易前沿问题分析:包括逆全球化趋势、脱钩断链、供应链近岸化、本土化等。
赵来勋,日本神户大学经济经营研究所教授,主要研究领域包括国际经济学、研发创新及经济增长、环境经济学、劳工移动、中国经济与户籍制度。在Journal of International Economics、Journal of Labor Economics、Journal of Development Economics、Journal of Environmental Economics & Management、Journal of Urban Economics、Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control、Journal of Mathematical Economics 等国际一流期刊发表文章十余篇,文章多次发表于《南华早报》和《新京报》,作品被《大公报》《欧洲时报》《参考消息》《共识网》等媒体多次转载。获得日本国际经济学会小岛清奖(2011年)。
Course 3
课程名称:Fronties in International Development(国际发展前沿)
This course mainly introduces how middle-income countries (or emerging economics) grapple with challenges related to economic, social, and political development and achieve rapid growth. The course contains three parts. Firstly, it starts with the development history of global economy and emerging economics and prevailing development issues. Secondly, fundamental and classical theories and models, New Liberalism Theory and other models of growth, trade and investment. Thirdly, micro-econometric analysis modules and practices are contained to get students better involved in solving development problems. Students will learn, for example, how industrial policy and multinational investment affect firm-level performance, export and innovation. This course intends to cultivate students to form a basic international development system from the perspective of economics and develop the ability to think about frontier development issues and attempt to find solutions using econometric tools.
课程名称 | 任课教师 | 上课时间 | 教室 |
Game Theory: Cooperative Perspective 博弈论:合作观点 | Markus Taube | 7月8日08:55-11:40;14:00-16:45 | ylzzcom永利总站圆楼202 |
Markus Taube | 7月9日14:00-16:45 | ylzzcom永利总站圆楼202 | |
Markus Taube | 7月10日08:55-11:40;14:00-16:45 | ylzzcom永利总站圆楼202 | |
Markus Taube | 7月11日08:55-11:40 | ylzzcom永利总站圆楼202 | |
Frontiers of International Trade and Economic Policy 国际贸易与经济政策前沿 | 赵来勋 | 7月11日08:00-11:40 | ylzzcom永利总站圆楼201 |
赵来勋 | 7月14日08:55-11:40;14:00-16:45 | ylzzcom永利总站圆楼201 | |
赵来勋 | 7月16日08:00-11:40 | ylzzcom永利总站圆楼201 | |
赵来勋 | 7月18日08:00-11:40 | ylzzcom永利总站圆楼201 | |
Fronties in International Development 国际发展前沿 | 龚云丹 | 7月10日08:55-11:40;14:00-16:45 | ylzzcom永利总站圆楼203 |
龚云丹 | 7月11日08:55-11:40;14:00-16:45 | ylzzcom永利总站圆楼203 | |
龚云丹 | 7月12日08:55-11:40;14:00-16:45 | ylzzcom永利总站圆楼203 |
ylzzcom永利总站本科教学办公室 刘老师:022-23507808
ylzzcom永利总站研究生教学办公室 杨老师:022-23505241